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Panasonic DMC-FZ10 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 02-Oct-2003
Megapixels: 4
Random Panasonic DMC-FZ10 Samples from 21776 available Photos more
u41/rosah/medium/33338694.sept1pm2144.jpg u39/raikbar/medium/32469382.Mad314.jpg u26/michaelsv/medium/43982521.117_0803_1.jpg u39/brosen67/medium/35032194.P1010861800x600.jpg
u41/raikbar/medium/32637890.Kruger045a.jpg u34/harlanjs/medium/34741250.P1110189.jpg u35/mr2c280/medium/31760727.P1020090.jpg u46/photomad/medium/39921547.P1160797.jpg
g4/45/387545/3/63131067.5JDJ8IfY.jpg g3/04/463304/3/58207926.141_0121_1.jpg g3/45/387545/3/54480490.NanaimoJan0505008.jpg g3/07/643207/3/56758553.048SW.jpg

aftermidnight04-Jan-2008 09:43
Since no reviews I thought I would add a few thoughts. I bought this camera after much research and for the money it cannot be beat. Amazing pics and easy to use. Over 3 years later and thousands of pics and even 2 droppings still a winner.

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